Need to plan.
In Latin America personal government capacity is low and is compounded by the low institutional capacity.
Or lack of experts in the bureaucratic apparatus.
This is because it despises the planning and the sciences and techniques of Government.
For leaders, politics is art that does not require science or techniques, including planning.
Matus wondered if the planning is a tool of Governments or for technical use.
Wondered if you can to become public strategic planning the main tool of the policy of the future.
Planning refers to the calculation that precedes and presides over the action.
Would this be enough to make decisions?
There are 3 variables for this response:
( to) the time horizon: (does that time, the present, five years or 30?)
( b)(( b) systematically: methods, theory, intuition or experience)
( c)(do dimensiones: analysis of the calculation preceding ay chairs to action: view partial or global or situational?).
It may happen that:
1 ).-An asymmetrical calculus, partial and immediate and intuitive in a particular area, without knowing the consequences and conditions futuras(ejemplo:_vida_cotidiana)
will never be a planning effort because lacks it systematically and situational amplitude.
2).-Immediate situational calculus have nearsightedness, overcame the immediate intuition, seeks to overcome, but if it is systematic is short-sighted.
(3)-Articulated situational calculus: is the way policy-makers and planners must carry out the task.
The calculation on the future is systematic, or supported in theory and methods achieving an articulation between the immediate situational calculus and the situational calculus of future. This articulated and systematic calculation is what we will call planning.
The less political statesman moves in the situational challenge.
The Planner technocrat is in the area of the calculation departamentalizado.
The estratégico-situacional scheduler has a field of view more macro.
All three are located in different spaces of calculation, so its dialogue is difficult.
So the political departs from planning and planners of the reality.
Articulated and systematic calculation to the Calc is more powerful... situac. Immediate.
Postulates: These assumptions or arguments strengthen the case of theoretical planning societal as tool of leadership or Government of the various social actors.
(1).-Planning needs a relationship between present and future.
The rationality of a decision depends on what happens tomorrow.
Need to provide for possibilities of tomorrow designing in advance the
It should be today. The man does not bring the future into the present, therefore refuses to plan.
(2).-Is needed to predict when the prediction is impossible. What will happen tomorrow or is predictable. Be a forecast which involves designing several plans, it takes planning to anticipate potential, provide for actions and be timely and effective action.
(3).-Foresight is needed to react to the surprises.
He is to provide reactive plans to reduce the impact or damage it causes and fix it.
(4)-Mediation between her past with the future. Need to practice as mediation between the past and future learning .
(5)-You need a mediation between knowledge and action. It should listen to all different stakeholders with different viewpoints.
(6)-Global coherence with partial actions of the social partners is needed.
Each has his vision but this does not guarantee an overall result. You need a central rationality. To know articulate partial actions.
Triangle of Government:
Direct means choose an address, ability to continue despite the obstacles.
Rule means articulating 3 variables:
Project of Government
Governance capacity of the system
Epistemology of planning :
Matus revolutionizes planning traditional or normative.
Where the actor that plan is outside or on the planned reality.
For him the planning has scientific rigour which leads to know the activity planned (ontological) is not only the management of tasks, but that there must be a rationality, a previous Protocol.
Interactive calculation.
Repetitive processes are limited to discover laws. If there is open creativity more than tradition.
The difference between repetitive and creative processes is important to the theory of a planning.
The first are covered by a policy planning, because these laws allow to predict. With some approximation the effects of a plan on the reality. The plan identifies with the control of a system whose functioning is known.
Systems that are creative force to a more complex planning where it appears the interactive calculation with great uncertainty. Dominates the relationship in these systems: iniciativa-respuesta that generates the strategic judgment and the interactive action.
It is uncertain, because you do not know the plan of the opponent.Interactive calculation is opposed to the parametric calculation based on prediction. The calculation interactive is open to many possibilities in a creative system.(see page 129)
P lanificación Tradicional Planificación andstratégica Situacional.
Well structured problems and cuasiestructurados. (page 153)
Creative systems and the sist. repetitive generate different types of problems. Systems that follow laws generate problems well-structured. Creatives creates problems cuasiestructurados.
Situational planning deals with systems and cuasiestructurados problems and their methods try to adjust to the reality as it is.
Cuasiestructurado means "more or less" structured.
The difference between structured and cuasiestructurados is of the utmost importance to understand how to approach an analysis of a system or a problem generated therein.
Unlike a game, social problems do not have a correct solution that is recognized and accepted as such by all parties that are affected by the problem or have an opinion about him.
Men according to Matus are within the boundaries between people problem and the problems are diffuse.
The solution of the problems brings as a consequence:
( to) there are other problems generate other problems.
( b) Appear other problems that did not exist or were not present.
( c) The problem can acquire greater potential.
The attitude of the Planner is to be alert and permanently display
The concept of diagnosis does not express an obvious truth: the same reality presents different situations for different players. If someone requires information on this situation it must explain the situation of each participant.
Social production as a game.(p. 173)
The fenoestructuras accumulated capacities and abilities occurs cccccccvvbbbn
This social process combines many actors that do not respond to a same command. The social structure is not a hierarchical structure and is commanded by a Chief that makes coherent process,
A game is competitive inequalities between subject to rules which, as cumulative and history, at the same time prevent chaos in the process, they regulate the acquired advantages.
A playful game has rules equivalent to the social gaming. Anytime there is a reality that changes and each new reality is a modification of the previous.
Movements are the way to change the situation through human action.
(Prior to practice) sensed rules are geoestructuras .Awarded identity different from other situations. Defines who are actors, the number, its capabilities and the plays possible.
The actors are and have accumulated capabilities of direction and production: are fenoestucturas. human nuclear and other physical fenoestructuras. The moves made by players as fenoestructuras are at each time the production of the system. Some lose and others gain from which the situation of the game changes after each move and change and is different for each of them.
Occurrences and creatives are within the range that allow the rules of the game
There are unwritten rules that points to the values. There may be moves capable of changing the rules of the game. (creative succession of games) .eso would not have a closed end. It would be always open
Another difference relates to the objectives. And the social system the social actors have goals that are not only different but conflicting. The fenoestructuras (accumulations) and production (flows) exist or occur within the production of the social game space, while the genoestructuras are rules that determine that space. These are very stable, and when they are altered marked big changes in history.
There are two types of social conflicts: those that arise in competition to achieve the mutually exclusive goals inside of the game, those whose purpose is to change the game.
The reality in which we live is much more complex than the surface of contact she has with us. Facts, events, actions and items that flow as production. That is the level of flows of social production, which respond to capacity accumulated in the .esas system capabilities are the fenoestructuras, which are mus different structures between facts, events and power, are social accumulations. create or determine the flow of social production.
A part of production flows not consumed in social practice and accumulates as fenoestructura. Certain facts, events actions and goods are fenoestructuran and are considered new production capacities.
The fenoestructura is an accumulation of qualitatively different from the set of workflows that generates.
The genoestructuras only exist in the space allowed by the genoestructuras
The social actors are facts that are genoestructuran as rules of social game.
This has importance and the planning and situational explanation.
Sometimes we put objectives outside the space of variety of the existing rules.
It follows then that or player has 4 options or forms interact in the game:
(a)- compete synchronously accepting the rules and considering accumulations, the player assumes as dato to the genoestructuras and the initial fenoestructuras.
(b)-compete diacrónicamente: accepted rules, looking for the way to build own and deteriorate of their opponents in order to win capabilities that desequilibren in our favour.
c.- revolutionize or reform the game: its purpose is to change the initial game rules, although he submitted to the genoestructuras in his home.
(d)-confronting the game: combat from the start outside its rules using accessible methods, but rejects the genoestructuras (anarchist) destroy the game.
(Planning is a game type strategic with a final uncertain in which we do not have clear where we want to go must be careful.) The traditional planning and policy has a very short period (3 years) the other 2 years away to look at we can say of the made thing.)
Concept of situation:
The idea of being involved in a situation of being and doing in a situation, together to publicize and explain inside or from, is a contribution of some philosophers and psychologists. Explain the reality that exists is considering the role of other actors and penetrate in their explanations. The meaning does not exist outside of the situation.
Otherwise the explanation would be incomplete.
According to Ortega y Gasset, an idea is always reaction of a man in a given situation of his life.
Need to know the reality and there is difference between the traditional diagnosis and explanation situational. The diagnosis is a monologue that someone not located according to their own vision.
The Situational assessment, is a dialogue between an actor and other actors, whose tale assumes one of the actors.
To sum up:
(a).-the situation is a foot forced for the social actor.
(b)-action or has meaning outside of the situation.
(c)-to explain something is dialogue with the situation
(e).-There is no action at a distance, it acts only in the present
For another author (Gadamer) says that: situation means that we are not out of it, and are unable to see objectively. We are always in the situation.
The concept of situation developed in planning situations tries to address this complexity and translate the category of social formation u operational level. For this it is necessary:
(1).-make the difference and periodization of the social changes that occur and the social formation, with the criterion of the actor in the situation.
(2)-select a whole concrete aspects is relevant to the action of an actor which is inside reality explained.
(3).-Identify levels of reality that they condition and determine the restrictions and capabilities of the actors to produce events capable of achieving the objectives.
(4)-specify who explains the reality and recognize that such explanation is a specific form of understanding and relationship to the purposes of the actor and the situation. It has any explanation or author.
(5).-the actor which explains the reality is one among several actors that coexist in it with conflicts and that reality supports various different explanations and all verifiable.
Critique of economic policy planning:
We call planif. with rules to that which is reduced to the economic field, ignores that they there are opponents, distinguished variables I and system, composed of economic agents that operate according to behaviour, considers relations of political power as something exogenous to your method and defines the planning as a problem of design and calculation with well-structured economic problems.
It seeks to solve 2 problems:
(1).-the consistent design of "ought", is at the level of the objectives or the means to them.
(2).-on the economic feasibility of the objectives and means given or framework of political acceptance of both. It is reduced to a problem of design of economic policy.
Planning. Traditional is:
Rules: is prescriptive should be and takes cause-effect relationship.
Planning is a mediation between knowledge and policy design prescriptive action is problem of rulers and politicians.
Is technical and neutral: because declares objectively applicable to any actor, in any circumstances and any purpose.
Is economic : is an economic calculation unrelated to the political context and carried out the plan. His theory is based on the economy. If opponents: monopolizes planning capacity for a single actor (Government) without that other social forces plan.
Some: because forget uncertainty about the behaviors and responses that are beyond the power of the Planner. Works with plans without variants and ignores the uncertainty.
Medium-term: or there is day to day planning. Only has the future.
Inconsistente : because the theoretical level causes a split between history and plan, the diagnosis is the story of the accumulation of problems and a solution of them.
Discursiva : identifies the plan with a policy speech.Is not operational or practical.
Because covers the scope of economic and or have tools to deal with the social.
Official: because responds to a technical planning and for the Government.
Insincera : because it is incoherent and inconsistent
Run time : the objectives have calendar that impose on the situational change, the time is linear and uniform for all.
All of these features expose the limitations of the policy planning but it does not invalidate the policy dimension which should have any plan. Enrich it with strategic planning, strips the neutrality, rigidity and self-restraint to economically serve as design in a situational strategic plan. We can reject the policy planning but not the policy dimension which is inherent in all planning.
The plaificac. Situational is an overcoming of the planif. With rules.
Original Sólo cuenta el futuro.
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